How are you meant to sit at work?


Seems crazy to think you don’t know how to sit right?

No, most people don’t realise (including ourselves) that sometimes the way you sit is harmful for your posture and changing a few bad habits can save you a world of pain in the future. 

How should I sit?

If like me you work long hours on a computer theres a good chance you’re doing it all wrong. Here is how it should be done:

1. Support your back!

Keep your upper back straight and make sure you have a good supporting chair so your lower back is properly supported. Your lower back has a natural curve that needs to be supported by your chair, this will reduce strain dramatically.

2. Adjust your chair correctly.

Make sure your forearms and wrists are parallel to the floor and elbows by your side in an L shape. This will help prevent RSI.

3. Keep your feet on the ground.

Rest your feet so they’re flat to the floor, if this isn’t possible get a footrest, they don’t cost much and your work will probably buy you one. Keep your knees just slightly lower than your hips and if you’re one of those odd ones resist the urge to cross your legs as this may contribute to other posture related problems.

4. Keep your screen at eye level.

Your monitor should be at eye level and about an arms length away. This may be hard for some of your freelancers out there sat in a coffee shop on your laptop. But there are subtle laptop stands out there that will do the job! Not doing this will result in your neck bending down which will eventually become uncomfortable.

5. Keep your mouse and keyboard close by.

Your keyboard should be in front of you when typing (obvious?). Leave around 4 to 6 inches between the front of your desk so you can wrest your wrist. Keep your mouse close and even use a wrist pad to keep your wrist straight, keep those awkward movements to a minimum.

6. Don’t sit for too long and take regular breaks.

It is very easy to get engrossed in your work and before your know it half the day has gone by. Try not to sit in the same position for long, make sure you change positions as often as possible. Regular short breaks are far better for your back than one long one, give your muscles a chance to relax.

Find what suits you and your place best, you have 6 easy and effective way to prevent back and neck pain and even reduce a chance of problems in the future.

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