Personal and Professional Hypnotherapist

Use hypnotherapy to help make changes to your thoughts, feelings and habits. Dan Russel specialised in Hypnotherapy, Shamanic Healing and Trance Healing, he will help take you to a deeply peaceful, pleasant and comfortable state of relaxation.

The powerful synthesis of trance, shamanic and hypnotic techniques that you will experience will provide highly effective and is practiced by professional hypnotherapist’s, psychologists and psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychiatric nurses and counsellors.

hypnotherapy-training-2Shamanic and Trance Healing will bring about physical or emotional change. Shaman will use any means available to bring about an improvement for the client often without any noticeable hypnotic induction.

If you wish to train in order to become a Hypnotherapist or Trance Healer you can apply to enrol on the basic foundation course of the Hypnotherapy Training Centre.

Our practice provides privately guided lessons on self-hypnosis. Please contact our office on 01228 401018 or email Dan Russell for further information.


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