Sunday 5th February was the date not to be missed as the Women in business brunch club pulled all the stops out in partnership with the House of Evelyn.

World Privilege Plus were the headline sponsors and were greeted together with a turnout of 50 attendees of women in business and Men too including several brand sponsors who arrived in style to a purple carpet drinks reception. Entertained by the incredible high vibe violinist @violinaround

Canapes were provided courtesy of Grand Pacific. The entertainment continued with jaw dropping sought after magician @rockstar_magic. A huge lit up love sign set the scene and theme “Love Yourself” together with a three-foot bubble balloon by @prettyparcelevents.
Guests were treated to a bespoke black & gold goody bag by @hseofevelyn complete with skincare products, signature eyelashes and a gold gift card to use at the salon.
The event theme was supported by Claire Stone Spiritual Author and owner of award-winning academy took the stage and gave an insight on self-love ending with a beautiful meditation technique. @clairestoneuk
Guests browsed and purchased from the brand sponsors with a luxury shopping vibe and enjoyed beauty and pampering by House of Evelyn. There was a fabulous raffle and the event supported Mind.

Credit to all sponsors and the whole team:-
World Privilege Plus (Headline sponsor) @worldprivilegeplus
C&C Aesthetics @ccaesthetics_worsley
Kami Active wear @kamiactivewear
Boo & Mi @boo_and_mi
Leesh @leesh.fragrances
Ben Smith Photography @bensmithphotographer
Sofranc Films @sofranc_films
Pretty parcel events @prettyparcelevents
Grand Pacific @grandpacificmanchester
Violin Around @violinaround
For details and VIP guest list for future events go to
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#womeninbusinessbrunchclub #loveyourself